Supplier Development

Supplier Development is a specific way of building relationships with selected Suppliers that involves continuous, close collaboration between a part producer (and in some cases also a design co-developer) and Westport Fuel Systems.

It is primarily aimed to optimize the performance of our end-to-end supply chain, to maximize our customer satisfaction.

The WFS Supplier Development Engineering team, among other things, enables clarification of WFS expectations, provides guidance for risk management assessment, shares Lean Manufacturing principles, systematically applies methods and tools for preventive quality assurance, conducts of product and process audits, examination of historical data, and captures of new data to shed light on causal chains and root causes, as well as leading to problem diagnosis and remedial actions.

The development of Suppliers by establishing strategic partnerships is crucial not only to achieve better long-term results in terms of quality and cost but also provide WFS with a trusted business partner and reliable supply chain.

The Westport Fuel Systems Supplier Manual has been developed for Suppliers to become familiar with the method applied for our initial Supplier evaluation process up to the qualification to becoming a Supplier to our company. The foremost objective of this manual is to communicate to our Suppliers the WFS quality and service requirements.

Supplier Development Engineering

Contact us for more information about becoming a supplier to Westport Fuel Systems.


Our Brands

  • AFS
  • BRC Gas Equipment
  • EMER
  • gfi control systems
  • OMVL
  • Prins
  • Stako
  • TA Gas Technology
  • Valtek
  • Zavoli